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Spotlight on a Career Changer: Laura
Posted on: 14th MarchWe asked one of our former trainees, Laura, what she liked about the school direct route into teaching with Bishop Challoner Teaching School Alliance.
I retrained as a languages teacher after eleven years of working as a barrister. I knew I wanted to teach, but didn't want to go back to being a student. The school direct route was perfect for me, as I felt like a teacher from the beginning. Being in the same school for most of the year was a huge advantage as I felt like part of the department and the school community. It also gave me an insight into the workings of a school that I don't think I'd have gained in shorter placements. I had weekly meetings with my mentor, who was a fantastic source of advice and support all year, and attended training sessions with other trainees every couple of weeks.
I'm now in my third year of teaching and really enjoying it. My years of working in my previous career haven't been wasted - there are plenty of transferable skills! I would advise anyone thinking of a career in teaching to start by doing a few school experience days to get a realistic picture of school life.
My career change has been a very positive experience. Teaching can be very hard work, but it is also interesting, varied and incredibly rewarding.