Website (3)

Birmingham and Central Midlands Computing Hub

The Birmingham and Central MidlandsCh logo medium white background Computing Hub provides resources, training and support for teaching Computing in primary and secondary schools and colleges from KS1 through to A level. We can work with you to identify your computing needs and provide a targeted programme of support to help embed this key subject in your school. We offer high quality CPD with subsidies; accreditation; free curriculum teaching resources; community support and more.

Email or phone 0121 441 6188 for more details.

We work with schools/colleges in Birmingham, Cannock Chase, Coventry, Dudley, Lichfield, North Warwickshire, Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby, Sandwell, Solihull, Stratford on Avon, Tamworth, Walsall, Warwick and Wolverhampton.

The National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) is funded by the Department of Education and supporting partners and marks a significant investment in improving the provision of computing education in England. It is delivered by STEM Learning and is made up of the following programmes:

Teach Computing: training, resources and guidance to help you teach computing with confidence.

Isaac Computer Science: online learning programme for A level computer science teachers and students.

Computing Quality Framework: use the guided journey to assess your school's computing offer.

Phone 0121 441 6188 or email for more details about our primary and secondary computing courses, online resources and how to access further support.

Useful links

CAS Communities

Twitter: @BCComputingHub

Computing - Birmingham and Central Midlands courses

Computing courses - Primary

Develop your understanding of a specific topic, your pedagogical practice or get help as a beginner. All NCCE teacher CPD, including online, face to face, residential and remote courses, are free for state-funded primary schools.

Subsidies are provided for supply cover of £205 for the first teacher from each school to attend a full day computing CPD course per academic year if located in an Education Investment Area.  Further information and criteria for funding can be found at

See below for our Primary face-to-face and remote-live courses for the coming term. For further details and/or to book select the 'Click to book' link. For queries contact:

Course Title Date Time  Booking Link

Implementing the Teach Computing Curriculum in your school - face to face (Birmingham)

9th January 2025

09.00 - 15.30

Click to book by the course date and venue

Leading Primary Computing - Module 2  (Remote)

13th January 2025

09.00 - 15.00

Click to book by the course date

Leading Primary Computing - Module 1 - face to face (Sandwell)

20th January 2025

09.00 - 15.00

Click to book by the course date and venue

Computing Quality Framework – driving change within your primary school - remote short course

4th February 2025

15.30 - 17.00

Click to book by the course date

Programming with the micro:bit (Coventry)

12th February 2025

09.00 - 15.30

Click to book by the course date and venue

Computing Quality Framework – driving change within your primary school - remote short course

13th February 2025

15.30 - 17.00

Click to book by the course date

Assessment of primary computing (Sandwell)

24th February 2025

09.00 - 15.00

Click to book by the course date and venue

For all NCCE courses go to Courses - Teach Computing


Computing courses - Secondary

Develop your understanding of a specific topic, your pedagogical practice or get help as a beginner. All NCCE teacher CPD, including online, face to face, residential and remote courses, are free for state-funded secondary schools and colleges.

Subsidies are available to provide two days of supply cover (£205 per day) for teachers to attend the KS3 and GCSE Computer Science subject knowledge certificate CPD. Information and criteria for funding can be found at

See below for our Secondary face-to-face and remote-live courses for the coming Term. For further details and/or to book select the 'Click to book' link. For queries contact:

Course title



Booking Link

Teaching GCSE computer science: improving student engagement (Remote)

13th January 2025

09.30 - 15.30

Click to book by the course date

An introduction to computer systems, networking and security in computer science  (Remote)

29th January 2025

09.30 - 15.30

Click to book by the course date

An Introduction to algorithms, programming and data in computer science  (Remote)

6th February 2025

09.30 - 15.30

Click to book by the course date

Introduction to Isaac Computer Science (Remote short course)

13th February 2025

16.00 - 17.30

Click to book by the course date

An introduction to computer systems, networking and security in GCSE computer science - face to face (Walsall)

17th February 2025

09.30 - 15.30

Click to book by the course date and venue

An introduction to computer systems, networking and security in GCSE computer science - face to face (Birmingham)

18th February 2025

09.30 - 15.30

Click to book by the course date and venue

For all NCCE courses go to Courses - Teach Computing



Primary Certificate

This professional development programme has been designed to guide primary teachers through NCCE courses, enrichment and resources, leading to a nationally recognised certificate.

It is for current teachers of computing across all experience and confidence levels, and existing and aspiring computing leaders and specialists.

Two pathways are available: Developing in the Classroom or Specialising or Leading 

Find out more at Primary certificate - Teach Computing

Subject Knowledge Certificate

This Key stage 3 and GCSE Computer Science certificate is a professional development programme for teachers, which leads to a nationally recognised certificate in key stage 3 and GCSE computer science subject knowledge.

The programme will help to develop or refresh your subject knowledge up to GCSE, with funding available for state-funded schools and colleges to support classroom cover.

It is for current and aspiring computing teachers of all abilities, from little or no experience in teaching computer science to experienced teachers looking to deepen their subject knowledge

Find out more at Key stage 3 and GCSE Computer Science certificate - Teach Computing

Secondary Certificate

This professional development programme is designed to enhance how you teach secondary computing, and to give you confidence to apply those skills in the classroom. You will get the opportunity to develop yourself, your professional community, and your students, by engaging in a range of activities.

The programme is suitable for teachers who have completed the Computer Science Accelerator programme, and have the required subject knowledge to advance their secondary computing teaching.

Find out more at: Secondary certificate - Teach Computing

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